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Japanese Teacher

How long have you been teaching for and how long for Cactus?

I have been teaching for 20 years in general, and I started teaching for Cactus in 2019 in London.

How long have you been living in the UK?

I have been living in the UK for over 28 years now.

Where were you born and what is the city famous for?

I was born in Niigata, Japan. The city is well-known for Japanese sake and rice. The beautiful Sado Island is very close to Niigata, where the world-famous drum group KODO is based.

What is your degree and teaching experience?

I have a BA in Japanese Literature and I have been teaching for many years in schools, companies and in private as well.

Have you ever worked in another field?

I have been working for a Japanese editorial company, in a special needs school as a SEN teacher, in a Japanese property agent company and in a Japanese restaurant. I have also held position in an Interpreting/translating company and as a receptionist in an accounting office, in Tokyo.

Is there a typical food of your native country and is there a special occasion where most families eat it?

If I have to name one, the stereotype would be Sushi – maybe Katsu-Curry and Ramen. For special occasions like New Year’s feast on New Year’s day, we have a dish called ‘Osechi’ cuisine.

What cultural custom is the country you were born in famous for?

Seasonal festive events such as Hanami in April (flower viewing in April), Obon and Omatsuri (ancestors days in Summer), and Oomisoka (New Years eve) and Oshogatsu (New year’s event).

I am looking forward to seeing you in my class! それじゃ 授業で会いましょう!


How to book with Cactus

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Frequently asked questions

What will I learn?

Our Course Outlines give an overview of the content and learning framework of Cactus courses. Includes themes, grammar and vocabulary you can typically expect to cover. These are intended as a guide only. Language teachers may at times adapt the course content to suit the specific level, aims and interests of the class.

How do I know what level I am?

Are you unsure where to start or progress to? Then take our level test and read our level descriptions for guidance.

Do I receive a qualification or certificate?

At the end of your course you receive a certificate of participation. You will be able to be download it from your MyCactus account. This confirms the language and level of course you have taken. Our course levels are based on two internationally recognised systems. You will have a universally accepted reference for your studies. (Important: Please note that you must complete the end of course questionnaire sent to you to be able to get your certificate! You will receive the course questionnaire by e-mail at the end of your course.)

Do I need a course book?

You will need a course book to attend your course. Course books are not included in the course fees. We recommend that you buy your own course book separately before your course starts. We will let you know which course book you will require and advise where you can purchase this. Please note that a course book often covers more than one level. So if you progress to the next course, you may not necessarily need to buy a new book. Again, we will advise you of this at the time. The course book is chosen by our teachers and academic team. This is based on which book is most suitable for the level of the class whilst offering the most communicative approach.

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